Welcome to Cry of the Meadowlark!

As of right now this will mostly be me trying to learn HTML and figuring out how exactly to make a website, but eventually I plan to have this be a place where I post my writing. It'll likely be a mix of worldbuilding bits, rambling "essays," something like a journal, and actual coherent works of fiction. In the meantime, everything written here is temporary.

Disclaimer: I tend to gravitate toward dark and existential themes so my writing will often reflect that. Of course I won't only write about darker stuff but they are favorite topics of mine. I'll try to remember to add disclaimers like this to future writing. I won't put anything here that violates TOS obviously but yeah. Also, I'm very queer, so if you're not about that, I'm not about you.

Anyway, that's all for now friends! :]